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Frequently Asked Questions:

1.) What medium do you use?

-I've always been a traditional artist using colored pencils, markers, and occasionally stamps. However, I recently came into possession of a Wacom Bamboo tablet so I'm just starting to dip my feet into digital art.


2.) Where do you get inspiration?

-Everywhere actually. I'm an avid daydreamer, so the smallest thing can spark something. I just keep an open mind and let things flow, so even if I'm watching a movie, reading a book, or just taking a walk I can allow ideas to come and go.


3.) How long have you been drawing/writing?

-I've been doing both nearly the same amount of time. I started when I was about 10 years old, so it's been quite a while. At first I really really really sucked, but I practicing a lot and it paid off. So don't give up! If I can do it anyone can.


More will be added as more people ask~



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